Valodu lietojums Austrumlatvijā (Survey Latgale)
Aptauja “Valodu lietojums Austrumlatvijā” ir apjomīgs un visaptverošs kvantitatīvs sociolingvistisks pētījums par valodas dinamiku Latgales reģionā. Divus gadus ilgajā pētījumā piedalījās aptuveni 13 000 respondentu no aptuveni 330 000 iedzīvotāju kopskaita. Dati tika vākti simts īpaši atlasītās vietās visā reģionā. Projektu izstrādāja un īstenoja F|E|F sadarbībā ar Milano-Bicocca universitāti, ar ievērojamu zinātnisko un loģistikas atbalstu no toreizējās Rēzeknes augstskolas mācībspēkiem un studentiem. Iniciatīva tika īstenota ar Eiropas Savienības finansējumu un atbalstu, kas uzsvēra tās kā starptautiska akadēmiska projekta nozīmi. Pētījuma rezultāti liecināja, ka Latgalē aptuveni divas trešdaļas iedzīvotāju runā latgaliski. Tas atbilst aptuveni 220 000 cilvēku no kopējā reģiona iedzīvotāju skaita, kas ir aptuveni 350 000. Šie dati atšķiras no tradicionālajām aplēsēm, saskaņā ar kurām Latvijā kopumā latgaliski runā no 150 000 līdz 200 000 cilvēku. Aptauja sniedza arī vērtīgu informāciju par attieksmi pret latgaliešu valodu: aptuveni trešdaļa respondentu atbalstīja latgaliešu valodas atzīšanu par valsts valodu, trešdaļa bija pret, bet pārējie nebija izšķīrušies. Vairāk nekā puse respondentu uzskata, ka latgaliešu valodas zināšanas ir svarīgs faktors kopienas integrācijā. Attiecībā uz tās lietojumu izglītībā viedokļi dalījās: mazāk nekā ceturtā daļa bija pret latgaliešu valodas lietojumu skolās, bet lielākā daļa zināmā mērā atbalstīja tās iekļaušanu, lai gan tikai nedaudzi atbalstīja to kā galveno mācību valodu vai obligātu otro valodu.
The Survey Latgale represents a comprehensive and large-scale quantitative sociolinguistic research initiative aimed at exploring the linguistic dynamics of the Latvian region of Latgale, which lies geographically at the border of the Russian Federation and Belarus. This research, conducted over a two-year period, encompassed approximately 13,000 respondents out of a total population of around 330,000, with data collection strategically carried out across about one hundred specifically chosen points throughout the region. The study focused on the use and perception of five key languages: Latvian, Latgalian, Russian, Belarusian, and Polish, each of which plays a distinct role in the multilingual landscape of Latgale. These languages are intricately tied to the diverse religious communities inhabiting the region, including Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Old Believers. The project was designed and implemented by F|E|F in collaboration with the University of Milan-Bicocca, benefiting from close scientific and logistical support provided by the academic staff and students of what was then Rēzeknes Augstskola in Rēzekne. The initiative was further supported by funding and endorsement from the European Union, highlighting its importance as a transnational academic endeavour.
Findings from the survey indicate that approximately two-thirds of Latgale’s population have a working knowledge of Latgalian. In numerical terms, this corresponds to roughly 220,000 individuals within the region’s total population of around 350,000. This figure contrasts with traditional estimates, which suggest that 150,000–200,000 Latgalian speakers exist across the entirety of Latvia. The data also provide critical insights into attitudes towards Latgalian: approximately one-third of respondents expressed a desire to see Latgalian recognised as an official language, while another third opposed such recognition, and the remainder were uncertain. In terms of integration and education, more than half of the respondents acknowledged the importance of Latgalian as a key factor for community integration. However, attitudes towards its inclusion in the educational system were more nuanced. Fewer than one-fourth of respondents opposed the use of Latgalian in schools entirely, while the majority supported some level of inclusion. However, very few advocated for Latgalian to be used as the primary medium of instruction or as a compulsory second language. This research underscores the complexity of the sociolinguistic environment in Latgale, highlighting the interplay between language, identity, and community cohesion, while offering valuable insights for policymakers and educators aiming to promote linguistic and cultural integration within multilingual regions.
La Survey Latgake è vasto progetto quantitativo di ricerca sociolinguistica sulle lingue della regione lettone della Latgalia, al confine con la Federazione Russa e la Bielorussia: circa 13.000 intervistati su una popolazione di circa 330.000 persone con un centinaio di punti di rilevamento distribuiti sul territorio. Le lingue coinvolte sono il lettone, il latgalo, il russo, il bielorusso, il polacco, distribuite in comunità religiose diverse (cattolici, riformati, ortodossi, veterocredenti). L’inchiesta, durata due anni, è stata ideata dal F|E|F e dall’Università di MIlano-Bicocca in stretta collaborazione scientifica e logistica con i docenti e gli studenti della allora Rēzeknes Augstskola di Rēzekne e il patrocinio dell’Unione Europea.
Due to the limitation of the research rights impsed by the GDPR this kind of research is not possible anymore.